Horror in the Andes.
Ayacuchan Cinema in-the-making
Horror in the Andes is a behind-the-scenes documentary that follows the process of making a horror movie in Ayacucho, Peru. Directed by audio-visual anthropologist Martha-Cecilia Dietrich, it explores how Andean filmmakers use the art of cinema to narrate their community while creating it. Appropriating a global cinematic language to tell local (hi)stories, Horror in the Andes pays testament to the craft of filmmaking and its community. The film is part of a broader post-doctoral project on creativity, uncertainty and artistic perseverance in the Peruvian Andes seeking to reframe cinema-making in Ayacucho.
34′ (2019)
Director: Martha-Cecilia Dietrich
Producer: Andy Lawrence and AllRitesReversed, Filmmaking4Fieldwork, University of Bern
Distributor: Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI)
Funding: Fejos Postdoctoral Fellowship in Ethnographic Film granted by the Wenner-Gren Foundation